Wind turbines against the backdrop of a blue, sunny sky

We're transforming the world of renewable generation

At Octopus Energy Generation, we’re building green power for the future

From large solar projects to wind farms which harness the abundant wind on land and at sea, to more localised, people-led renewables in the form of the Fan Club, the Collective and onsite generation connected directly to businesses - we’re committed to driving the green energy revolution faster than ever before.

£6.7bnThe global portfolio of assets we manage.
>3.7GWOf which 3.25GW is from renewable energy projects.
2.3mHomes powered each year by the renewable assets we manage.

We’ve invested in energy projects and energy transition companies spanning 20 countries and 18 technologies. As one of the largest renewable energy investors in Europe, we manage more than 230 large-scale green energy projects with a combined capacity of 3.25 GW. That’s enough energy to power 2.3 million homes every year – and we’re building more by the minute.

More about our work

We’re one of Europe’s largest fast-growing investors in renewable energy

The foundations of a wind turbine under construction
We develop new renewable projectsWe partner with developers of generation assets, and invest in and oversee development projects, bringing in more much-needed renewable energy generation into the energy system.
A wind turbine under construction from a distance
We invest in renewable projectsOn behalf of our investors, we source and acquire renewable energy assets, in construction and operational phases.
A wind farm amongst crops
We're always innovatingWe’re always thinking of new ways to bring cheaper, greener energy generation closer to those using it, so watch this space!
A solar farm by a river, taken from a height
We manage renewable assetsFrom building assets to managing wind and solar farms that are already operational, our engineers, commercial and technical experts manage everything involved in the day-to-day operations of renewables.
Hands holding a tree sapling over foliage
We value, monitor and report on investors' portfoliosOnce we’ve made an investment, we monitor the financial position of the investments to ensure the highest standards of operational excellence and governance.
Beekeepers holding up honeycomb
We're leaders in ESGWe are responsible and sustainable investors, integrating ESG into all the investments we make. Doing the right thing is completely at the heart of what we do, driving positive impacts for the environment and society.
Why renewables?

We simply can't afford to rely on fossil fuels any longer

There are countless reasons to end dependence on fossil fuels, and the energy crisis has highlighted one more: buying imported gas makes us vulnerable to the volatile global energy market. With skyrocketing wholesale prices leaving millions of customers struggling to cover their bills, we need to dramatically scale up the clean, green and affordable solution that is all around us: renewable energy.

We’re positive we can reach a 100% renewable energy world. Solar, wind, green hydrogen, and tech innovations will all help power and balance the affordable energy system of the future. So we’re building just that.

Where you invest your money matters

The most impactful thing people can do for the planet is have money invested in sustainable products

This is where our fund management team comes in. Our investors trust us to make their money matter. Our fund investments into renewable energy are transforming renewable energy generation to benefit consumers, the environment, society and investors.

Don't take our word for it.

As featured by

Daily Mail logo
"Kimberly-Clark, the owner of Kleenex has signed an agreement with renewable energy firm Octopus, which will supply green electricity from an onshore windfarm at Cumberhead in South Lanarkshire."
The Times logo
"Octopus Energy plans to invest £3 billion in hydrogen plants in Britain by the end of the decade after striking a deal with RES, the giant renewables group."
Daily Express logo
"Octopus Energy has launched a new scheme that uses the UK's incredible wind potential to save up to £350-a-year on household energy bills."
The Telegraph logo
"Energy supplier plans to build turbines close to customers' homes and sell them cheaper electricity when the wind is at its strongest."
Financial Times logo
"A survey of nearly 20,000 of its customers by domestic supplier Octopus Energy this week found 87 per cent of respondents supported a wind turbine in their neighbourhood if it meant half-price electricity."
BBC News logo
"Currently, a similar scheme is run by the energy company Octopus. Their customers get 20% off electricity bills when their local turbine is spinning, and 50% off when it's picking up speed."